Terms of Service

The Terms of Service also known as "TOS" are subject to change without notification at any time.


Player genrated content are the responsiblity of the creating player. The game owners take no responsiblity for any player created content.
The following topics are banned:

  • Sex
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Illegal material
Banned content is not limited to the topics above.
Game staff have have the right to remove or edit any player content for any reason.
Players under the age of 18 must acquire parental/guardian permission before creating an account.
Parental controls can be enabled to filter player generated content. There is no guarantee that all user generated content will be filtered by these mechanisms.

Copyrighted Material

All material provided by the game owners is the property of the game owners and/or the original creator, if you wish to use any material that is a part of the site please contact the owners.

Players may not publish any material that is copyrighted without the express permission of the material's owner. The game owners cannot be held responsible for any copyrighted material published by players, the responsibility remains with the players.

Accounts and profiles

Each person may create mulitple profiles, this is available as an option under the account settings.
Players if they wish may register multiple accounts under multiple emails but this is not recommended.
If players wish to share an account or profile for example with family members they may do so.
Accounts maybe transferred other individuals at any time, to do so change the email address under the account settings to that of the new owner.
The game owners retain the right to edit/ban any account with no notice for any reason

In game purchases

Any in game purchases will be applied as soon as payment clears.
If you are missing the items from a purchase please raise a help ticket in game
Anyone attempting fraud will be banned and reported to the authorities.
All purchases are final and non-refundable. If your account is banned purchases will not be refunded.


Staff are all volunteers chosen by the game owners they do not get paid and can be appointed/removed/have their privileges changed at any time for without notification or reason.
The game owners hold no responsibility over any staff actions.
Staff will endeavour to aid you if you have any questions or concerns, please be polite and clear about your requests and follow staff instructions, it will help us help you.
If you have any problems with game staff please don't hesitate to contact the game owners, we take all matters seriously.

Please do not ask to be appointed staff this will only reduce your chances
Staff SHOULD never ask for your password, if they do they should be reported


Any individual who attempts to reverse engineer, hack, gain unauthorized entry into or undermine the system integrity of the game (including attempting to access any internal part of the game from an offsite location) will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Any attempt to cheat or abuse bugs in the game will be punished.


Accounts/profiles maybe deleted at the owners request by rasing a help ticket in game.
Game Owners may delete accounts without notice if they feel it is necessary

Loss of information

Game owners are not responsible for any loss of information due to any reason, e.g. hacking/server failure etc.


Dragon-Hearts and it's owners will not be held responsible for any indirect or subsequent loss, damage, or profit arising from your use of this web site. This includes, but is not limited to, any implied warranty that the content of this web site. contains is accurate or up-to-date or is suitable for any particular purpose. Any information given or granted by a customer service facility shall be taken at your own risk. All trademarks and trade names are the exclusive property of the respective owners.